Scottish Fiddlers of California

Alasdair Fraser's Valley of the Moon Scottish Fiddling School

August 22 - 30, 2025

Online Registration Form 2025

Please read APPLICATION GUIDELINES then complete form and hit SUBMIT button below.

Primary Applicant  
First Name required
Last Name required
Address-line 1
Address-line 2
Zip Code/ Postal Code required
Country required
If you would like to exclude any or all components of your address from the camp roster, please indicate here

Name of Guardian (for applicants under 18 applying without a parent):

Has this person been consulted and agreed to act as guardian?
Yes No

Primary applicant is responsible for collecting and submitting payment for co-applicants; those who wish to be billed separately or reserve different accommodations should submit their own separate application

Please fill out for each member of your party:
First Name Last Name
eMail (if different from
Primary Applicant)
Name to appear on badge if other than First Name
Age required if under 25 Gender Optional pronouns for Badge Attended Camp Previously Primary instrument focus for Camp Level of Ability (based on learning by ear)* Other classes of interest

*No beginning classes are offered for piano or guitar.

NB Primary Applicant's email address and contact info will be used for billing purposes for all applicants included on this form.

Tent Rate:
All members of party (Adults and children 4 and older): $1095;

Children under 4: free

If your application is accepted you will receive correspondence with your calculated fees and a link to a secure webpage where you can make final payment


I'd like to make a tax deductable donation to the

Deposit payment: - deposit payment method below MUST be selected or form will not submit.
Help us avoid credit card charges by submitting the application online and mailing a deposit check
if you prefer to pay your deposit by credit card, please consider making a voluntary (non-refundable, non-deductible) contribution of $5 per $100 deposit, to offset the bank fees for processing your credit card payment.

Housing Preferences:

Male Female Mixed Gender Families/Children

Requested room mates.
While VOM runs largely on volunteer energy, there are a limited number of work-exchange positions -- please indicate here if you are interested in work exchange and what type of job you would prefer

Please indicate any of the following as appropriate:

Please list name and phone number of emergency contact
Other comments or questions

You will receive a confirmatory e-mail and further information about camp within the next 2 weeks.
Final payments are due July 1st, and deposits are non refundable after May 15.
Application results will be announced by April 15

Click here for Financial assistance information (app. deadline April 1st, 2025)


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